Lucida Collective
Rosie Feerick
Rosie Feerick is a mixed media artist and documentary maker. Her work is primarily video and photography based, with a recurring theme of linear patterns within images, and connecting with the natural world. Her work looks at how each individual’s experiences are tied to nature and history.

Her current body of work is developing flow-state, spontaneous drawings into more abstract, intuitively led and non ‘thought-out’ oil paintings. Upon reflection, these images become a study of the mind divided, represented by different colours and figures. Using oil pastel and oil paint, she explores articulating the multiple aspects of our mind and psyche in these abstract figurative drawings. This work is looking at the divide of instinct and conscious thought within ourselves. Her work looks at both the primitive side of human thinking and the conceptual reasoning of making an artwork.

Instagram: @rosiefeerickart /
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